Saturday, June 7, 2008

Guest Columnist: J. Dori Callahan

Standing for the protection of the U.S.

As far as Scott McClellan goes, the facts in his “tell-all” book have been repudiated by Mr. McClellan himself when he said the editor requested him to change the tone of the book. And if you want to talk about close associates writing tell-all books, take a peek at “The Year of the Rat,” by Edward Timplerlake and William C. Triplett II, and “Boy Clinton” by R. Emmett Tyrell Jr.

In comparison to McClellan’s weak attempt at payback, check out the cover of “Year of the Rat,” which says, “In these pages, we will show you that, in order to gain and hold onto power, the Clinton administration has acted recklessly, allowing the wrong people to gain access to our most important political and economic secrets. Any number of Chinese arms dealers, spies, narcotic traffickers, gangsters, pimps, accomplices to mass murder, communist agents, and other undesirables will appear in these pages, all associated in one way or another with the White House and money. Did the Clinton administration sell out America’s national security to one of this country’s leading and most dangerous adversaries merely to raise campaign cash? In the pages that follow, we will prove our answer, which is yes.

The one thing President Bush was absolutely right on was in fighting for the United States of America when terrorists attacked us. He took a strong stance for Americans, something that Bill Clinton refused to do on various occasions. And unlike Clinton, President Bush responded for the love of America and its people and was right in doing so. And yes, wars cost money, and so did the terrorists’ destruction to our country. Freedom is not free under any circumstance. As far as the recession the letter writer spoke of, it is not yet in effect. Also, if one will check the records, the Democrats have controlled the Senate and House and could have done something about the price of gas. Actually, it has risen to its highest peak under this Democratic-controlled Congress. People forget the president can do precious little without the power of Congress behind him.

America may be a country with all sorts of integrity and energy, but the terrorists respect neither. These terrorists use torture and brute force and they behead Americans for sport. They respect neither weakness nor cowardice nor comprise and will not be won over with pretty speeches and flowery words.

As far as to why we voted for Bush twice, I have asked that same question about Bill Clinton. There has never been a more unworthy president.

Which is worse, electing a man who tries to protect our nation (and is a bad dancer) or a man like Bill Clinton who destroyed the morals of our country in his lust?

J. Dori Callahan


This commentary was originally published in The Culpeper Star-Exponent