Monday, June 30, 2008

Where are you, NOW?

First unveiled women were compared to raw meat, now it's candy. Expect to see NOW and other perpetually offended feminist organizations marching on the Egyptian embassy in outrage at this affront to women around the world, championing women's right not to wear the veil.
A new Egyptian e-mail campaign compares women without veils to unwrapped candy
attracting flies

Caption: "You can't stop them. But you can protect yourself. Your creator has your best interests
at heart."

Click on France 24 or Jihad Watch to view the image, which is circulating via e-mail in Egypt
to promote the use of the hijab and niqab by Egyptian women.

"The message is the same as that of Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, who in 2006 outraged Australians
by comparing un-veiled women to uncovered meat," according to a Post by Marisol at
Jihad Watch.

"As usual, the notion of men having the responsibility to control themselves, or even being able to do so, is completely absent," adds Marisol.

"The concept of controlling lust, anger, etc., is not taught in the Arab world."

An American woman married to a "basically enlightened Lebanese husband,"
from an article by Diana West,