"Every day, prices go up and I hear from people who are hurting. And every day, Washington Democrats stall and play the blame game rather than dealing with this problem.
But last week took the cake. Senate Democrats actually fought to increase taxes claiming that would lower prices. Any business owner will tell you that higher taxes lead to higher prices. But simple facts never stood in the way of this tax and spend bunch. Fortunately, we were able to block this wrong-headed plan by a slim margin.
Incredibly, Barack Obama said the problem isn't the high gas prices. The problem--according to Obama and many Washington Democrats--is that the price increase wasn't "gradual" enough. You see, the environmentalists have been openly advocating higher gas prices for years, and their friends in Washington and at the New York Times are all too happy to help out.
One thing is certain:
Washington Democrats just don't get it.
People need help now. That's why we must aggressively pursue alternative energy sources and seek to take full advantage of American innovation. And, we must increase the supply of energy available -- from our own shores -- in the short term. America has the ability to attack this problem, but we cannot be successful if we allow our hands to continue to be tied in the form of restrictive and unnecessary regulations which limit our options and destroy opportunity for new jobs."
Take Action Today:
If you haven't done so, please take a moment to sign the petition calling on Congress to take meaningful action to lower gas prices.