Saturday, June 28, 2008

Video: Family Research Council's Tony Perkins Asks Barack Obama When Life Begins

“When you get right down to it. What difference does two or three minutes inside or outside the womb really make? One’s ‘late-term’ and the other’s ‘postpartum’. Who’s to say if the postpartum fetus is truly viable? Postpartum fetuses die all the time for all manner of reasons…”
Senator Barack Obama endorsing infanticide.

Well, Obama obviously knows when he would end life but does he know when it begins? Follow the link at the bottom of this post to watch an interesting video.

Video: When does life begin for Obama?

June 27, 2008

"In a speech this Father's Day at the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago, Illinois, Senator Barack Obama remarked that "We need fathers to recognize that responsibility doesn't just end at conception." I applaud the Senator's observation that fatherhood bears great responsibility. However, Senator Obama's record in Congress shows that he has consistently voted to use taxpayer dollars to end life after conception.

I -- along with with my son Samuel -- recorded a video response to this message in which I ask Senator Obama: if my responsibility as a father began at conception, isn't that when the lives of my children began?"

Tony Perkins

Click the screencap above to watch the video at FRC Action's website.