Sunday, May 22, 2022

Delegate Phillip Scott: Weekly Newsletter

Edition XLVIII
Friends, last week I visited the Stafford airport. I toured the facility, saw the expansion of the runway and learned how the airport serves the community. I'm excited to share that once the runway expansion is completed, there will be more air traffic through that airport, bringing more economic activity to the area. Lake many other industries, the airline industry is having a hard time with staffing, specifically regarding the recruitment and retention of pilots. Issues like this are why it is so important that we cultivate a business-friendly environment in Virginia through conservative policy.
I also attended the Fredericksburg Area Association of Realtors and Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce Legislative Reception and talked about the wins of this past session and cast a vision going forward that focuses on strengthening the economy and prioritizing the cultivation of our small businesses.
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Small Business Revitalization Tour Continues
We are re-launching the small business revitalization tour that we began earlier this year.
Every week I will be meeting with a small business owner to talk with them about their successes and struggles, particularly as we still economically recover from the pandemic and the overreaching governmental restrictions that were put in place as a response to the pandemic. The small business revitalization tour will continue providing me with the tools I need to go back to Richmond and win the argument on policy, convincing the Democrats that these folks need reform through eased regulatory and tax burdens.
For that reason, I am looking to connect with local business owners to learn how I can best support them and hear their suggestions and concerns related to regulatory and tax policy. Small business revitalization is a key priority of mine, and there is no better way to advance their interests than to meet with the owners firsthand.
If you are a business owner and are willing to offer your knowledge and expertise, please reply to this email. For more current updates than our weekly emails, follow our Facebook page and Twitter account.