Friday, May 27, 2022

Godless America,

May 25, 2022

By Gary Bauer
For fifty years, secular progressive values have permeated our culture. Moral relativism – the idea that there is no right and wrong, only "your truth" – is the prevailing philosophy of the age. 

With each passing day, the Judeo-Christian worldview that guided our Founding Fathers and serves as the foundation of our nation is further eroded away. 

Many of our children are being taught that they are the product of a mindless evolutionary process. There is no God that made them and loves them. There is no divine spark in them. 

They are mere animals on a planet speeding through the emptiness of space. Their existence is without meaning and has no purpose. When they die, there will be only an empty void.

Mental illness, drug addiction, suicide, mindless violence, meaningless sex and abortion on demand are destroying our youth. They are all symptoms of America's rejection of God and of His Word.

The number one priority for all of us should be to save or own children and grandchildren from the growing nihilism of our age.

The Breakdown Of The Family

The traditional American family – a mother and a father and their children – has been under attack for decades. It is mocked by elites and in the popular culture. 

Marxists everywhere, including in the United States, attack it because intact families are a bulwark against Marxist/socialist big government schemes. 

No society in the entire history of civilization has attempted the bizarre experiment of raising so many of its children without fathers. But we are rapidly headed down that road and far worse, and no one dares to address it in our national political discourse.

In our big cities, gangs take the place of fathers and families. Drugs are pouring across our southern border, killing hundreds of Americans every day. But we largely ignore that. 

What's happened to us is exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against when they said only a virtuous people can remain free. It's exactly what Ronald Reagan warned against when he said, "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under."

What We Can Do

While we all pray for and work toward reversing this cultural moral decline, there is something we can do immediately to make such schoolhouse carnage less likely.

We have security guards in our banks to protect our money. We have security guards at sporting events, entertainment venues and at meetings with high-profile celebrities and politicians. 

But there is still resistance to putting security guards in our schools to protect our precious children. Parents in every school district should demand that it be done now.
When possible, there should be one central point of entry and exit. 

The bad kid with a gun yesterday was stopped by a good guy with a gun. We need more such good guys guarding our children in our schools today.

There are plenty of retired police officers and veterans who could fill these jobs. There are billions of COVID relief dollars sloshing around state budgets that have not been spent. We just appropriated $40 billion to help protect the children of Ukraine. 

Don't tell me we can't afford to protect the children of America!

However, not only has this not been done, for the past two years the "defund the police" movement has actually been kicking police officers out of some schools. There's no curing stupid.