Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Happenings in RIchmond

May 17, 2022

A brief update on what has been going on in the legislature the past few weeks


At the end of April, my colleagues in the General Assembly and I traveled back to Richmond for a reconvened Session. On that day, we review and vote on changes made to bills that passed the regular Session that have been amended or vetoed by Governor Youngkin.

I was disappointed by Senate Democrats' decision to kill Governor Youngkin's proposal to bring tax relief for Virginians. We are facing historic price increases on everything from gas to groceries caused by out of control government spending in DC and Richmond. Our families are feeling the strain every time they fill up their tank.

Governor Youngkin proposed a gas tax holiday that would have brought relief on astronomically high gas prices for three months. But Senate Democrats inexplicably voted down his proposal.

In addition to the one day reconvened Session, we are also in the process of a Special Session which Governor Youngkin called to start on April 4 to vote on and pass the two year state budget. To date, the Finance committee, controlled by Democrats, has yet to present an updated budget so we are in limbo.

We will see what liberal priorities Senate Democrats release in their new version of the budget if we ever get one.

More spending, less tax relief.

These are the policies touted by Democrats who control the Senate in Richmond.

We had great success this past year in taking back the Governorship and the House of Delegates in November. And we have an opportunity to do the same next year in the State Senate.