Friday, May 27, 2022

I Know Whom I Have Believed

By Steve Huston

This Memorial Day I urge you to be in prayer that God, by His Holy Spirit, would draw soldiers around the world to Christ, the only way of salvation and true freedom. Pray that our nation would once again call upon our God, the Creator of all, in humiliation and repentance, during these times of confusion and upheaval. Pray that those in leadership positions would either bow their knee to Almighty God and submit to the laws of this land (our Constitution) or that God, by His grace, power, and love, would remove them for His glory, honor, and praise. This we pray, in part, that the sacrifice of those men and women we remember and honor today is not in vain. Pray with assurance; for He is still sovereign, still directing in the affairs of men, and is still working all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are the called according to His purpose.