Monday, April 1, 2024

Antiochus Biden: A very relevant article that needs to be read far and wide

By Mark K. Lewis

America's 46 Presidents have generally been decent men, if rarely competent to do the job.  We have had a few degenerates, however.  Warren G. Harding has a sleazy reputation.  John F. Kennedy was a skirt-chaser even in the White House.  Richard Nixon was...scum.  Bill Clinton was just an alley cat.  Maybe a few others.

And then, there is Joe Biden.

            I'm a nice guy (or very naïve) so I don't usually like to condemn people until they give me irrefutable evidence of depravity.  I still wonder if Joe Biden is 100% demented, or 100% demonic.  Or both.  I'm having an extremely difficult time not concluding he is an incredibly evil man, the most fiendish, by far, who has ever occupied the White House.  Worse than Obama or Clinton.

            America isn't the only nation in history who has had to endure such a ruler.  We tend to be tunnel-visioned in history, seeing only our time and space.  But there were others.  Let me tell you about one.

            The pre-Christian era Jews bore several periods of captivity and oppression, their own fault, according to their prophets.  Long story short, in the early 2nd century B.C., the Seleucid dynasty of Greece controlled Judea, and a man named Antiochus IV Epiphanes became ruler.  His reign lasted from 175-164 B.C.—almost 12 years.  (Think about 12 years of Biden.)  Antiochus was the Adolf Hitler (or Democrat) of his day, a bitter anti-Semite, who hated the Jews and their religion.  His reign produced the darkest days the Jews had known since the Babylonian captivity three centuries before.  He prohibited, on the pain of death, observance of the Jewish religion.  He put a statue of a pagan god in the temple in Jerusalem—pure blasphemy.  And he even sacrificed a pig on the altar, as desecrating and despicable a humiliation of the Jewish people as he could concoct.  (What's wrong with pigs?  They can't help being pigs.  Aren't they "created in the image of God," too?)  The Jews finally had enough, and, led by a family named Maccabee, revolted against Antiochus.  They succeeded in throwing off the despised Greek regime, and inaugurated a period of Jewish freedom which lasted about 100 years until the Romans came and subjugated the land.  It went from a very bleak period of Jewish history to one of relative freedom, peace, and prosperity. 

            Can it happen again?

            Antiochus IV Epiphanes was a horrible human being, a monster motivated only by his blind hatred of the Jews and Judaism.  His regime finally self-destructed by engendering a revolt.  Good people will only endure so much.

            Antiochus has an ancestor in Joe Biden.  Biden is a small man.  As President, he has become an Antiochus IV Epiphanes.  The seeds were probably always there, but now he doesn't even attempt to hide the hatred that motivates him.  He is small because he cannot rise above his feelings, cannot conquer his emotions, and rule with foresight, wisdom, and honor.  Good leaders must first conquer themselves and be examples to all.  Biden shows absolutely no capacity to do that.

His degeneracy—blasphemy to true American patriots—of "Transgender Day of Visibility" on Easter Sunday was absolutely nothing but hatred of millions of Americans who oppose him and that lifestyle.  It's not like anyone is preventing "transgenders" from mutilating themselves when they are old enough if they want to.  This has nothing to do with "freedom," "human rights," or "equity."  It is nothing but in-your-face, we-hate-conservatives-and-Christianity, and we are going to make you people eat it.  Biden worships a pagan god, and he puts a pig on the altar of the people he despises.  Thus, pardon me if I conclude Biden is an evil man.  Evil people are often motivated by uncontrolled malice, and Biden passionately hates you and everything you stand for.  And he wants you to know it in the vilest ways possible. 

            Biden recently said again he wanted to "unite" America, but every, single thing he does is divisive—and deliberately so.  Unity isn't his goal.  Oh, he might accept it if we surrender and kowtow to all his perverted, pagan rituals.  The only kind of unity Biden desires is one that utterly subjugates his political (and religious) opposition into total silence and obedience.  If he wanted to deliberately divide America, what would he do differently?  Insulting people's most cherished beliefs—as Antiochus IV did—is not the way to build unity.  But Antiochus didn't want unity with the Jews, he wanted to insult and crush them.  That is exactly what Antiochus Biden wants for you and me.  Just look at what he does.

            Biden's hatred of his political opponents is creating a like-minded reaction in them, and is driving a wider and deeper wedge into America's heart.  This is not statesmanship; this is Hitlerian tyranny.  Obey, or suffer.  If he is elected again this year, he will interpret that as an endorsement of his policies, and will continue his current course.  That is the kind of man Antiochus Biden is.  A man who, out of pure spite, and only for pure spite, puts a pig on the sacred sacrificial altar of the people he loathes.  He didn't have to do that.  He didn't have to do anything but leave well enough alone.  But Antiochus wanted that pig on the Jewish altar and Biden wants it on your altar, too.  All because of hatred.  He truly couldn't care less about "transgender people," except how they vote.  Joe Biden, very simply, is destroying the United States of America.  Hatred will do that to any relationship.

            The Jews of the 2nd century B.C. endured the evil of Antiochus Epiphanes and his cadre of godless heathen for 12 years.  And they finally had enough.  God-fearing Americans have had to endure Joe Biden and his horde of Democratic Party sewer-dwellers for—too long.  The Maccabees are out there and soon there may be a Maccabean Revolt to lead America back to freedom and godliness.  The Democrats better beware.  You can push people only so far.