The Washington Examiner writes:
Last week, Democrats on Fairfax County's board of supervisors voted to designate Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day. The proclamation goes far beyond the supposed intent of making transgender people and gender ideology activists feel seen. Members of the board are also sending a message to Christians that they do not matter as they turn one of their holiest days into a celebration of an ideology that undermines the church's core convictions.
Can you imagine the public outcry if they declared the Month of Ramadan "Trans Visibility Month?"
However, Christians are fair game. The Left is comfortable flagrantly attacking Christianity in such a transparent way because they believe they can get away with it.
Unfortunately, The White House shortly took the same step. On Easter, they issued a recognition of the day as "Trans Visibility Day" and even used scripture to try and justify the move! He also issued a decree to make Easter Trans Visibility Day as a federally recognized day.
Our President, who is supposedly Catholic, is also bending a knee to this radical anti-Christian crusade by the Left.