Sunday, August 4, 2024

Congressman Good Update: $35 Trillion in National Debt

Our Debt Crisis is Growing

We crossed yet another threshold this week, as Washington's out-of-control spending habits pushed our national debt over $35 trillion. To put this into perspective $35 trillion dollars in debt equates to the following: 

  • $104,497 per person 
  • $266,275 per household 
  • $483,889 per child 

Just one year ago our debt was $32.65 trillion, which means it has increased by $2.35 TRILLION over the past 12 months.

Our debt is growing:  

  • $196 billion per month 
  • $6.4 billion per day 
  • $268 million per hour 
  • $4.5 million per minute 
  • $74,401 per second

The United States has a spending problem that needs to be taken seriously by both sides of the aisle. However, radical progressive Democrats insist on funding harmful woke DEI agendas and writing blank checks for foreign wars. Our children and grandchildren do not deserve and cannot afford the financial burden we are currently heaping upon them. 
The massive government spending coupled with misguided fiscal policy that is printing money is also impacting us now by causing massive inflation. Americans have been feeling the extra strain as they try to supply their families with the necessities such as food, gas, and housing. 
We must reverse course now, as the current path is unsustainable!

Honoring Virginia WW2 Hero Desmond Doss 

I am glad to report that the Senate unanimously passed its version of my bill to rename the Lynchburg Veterans' Affairs Clinic after PFC Desmond Doss. Thank you to Senators Warner and Kaine for joining the effort to honor PFC Doss who saved at least 75 lives during the brutal battle of Hacksaw Ridge.  
I am honored to have the support of 11 local Veterans groups, including the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Virginia, American Legion Department of Virginia, Disabled American Veterans Department of Virginia, Desmond T. Doss, Jr., and the entire Virginia Congressional Delegation in this bipartisan effort.  
My office has taken all the necessary steps to make the legislation eligible for Floor consideration in the House, and I hope to see passage of the bill soon.

In the Media

I had the opportunity to speak with various media outlets about the remaining appropriations bills, the Secret Service's failure to protect President Trump, and Kamala Harris's disaster as the Border Czar.

War Room 


War Room
