Friday, August 9, 2024

Jason Miyares: this will astonish you

A lot of the debate around securing our elections centers around whether non-citizens are being given ballots. Is it real? Is it happening? Is it a conspiracy theory?

In Virginia, we didn't squabble about it, we simply checked to see if it were true.

And guess what? There WERE non-citizens on our voter rolls. And let me put the emphasis on WERE, because they are GONE now.

Three takeaways from this finding:

  1. Yes, non-citizens are getting on our voter rolls.
  2. Yes, we can and should clean our voter rolls regularly to secure our elections.
  3. Yes, I believe in secure elections and will work alongside this administration to keep our elections secure… because this is an ongoing duty of our state government.

Make no mistake: Virginia is a battleground state this year. There will be legal challenges to our efforts to secure the vote, and I am fully prepared to defend them. 

I stand ready to fight for our free and fair elections.