Friday, August 2, 2024

Immigration Reform Law Institute: IRLI Sues to End Biden Border Policies

Claims knowingly crashing the border violates Constitution and environmental law

WASHINGTON—Today, on behalf of Texas rancher and veterinarian Michael ("Doc") Vickers, Kinney County, Texas, Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe, and Atascosa County, Texas, the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) filed a lawsuit in a Texas federal district court that attacks the Biden Administration's immigration policies as a failure in its duty, under the Constitution, to take care that the nation's laws be faithfully executed.


The suit sets out how the administration, with full knowledge of the likely consequences, has adopted policy after policy that, in concert, have resulted in the biggest influx of illegal aliens into America in our history. This result is the exact opposite of the purpose of federal immigration law, which is operational control of the border, defined as zero illegal entries.


When the executive knowingly frustrates the purposes of the laws it is supposed to be enforcing, and adopts policies calculated to achieve the polar opposite of those purposes, it robs Congress of its legislative power, and thus unconstitutionally fails to take care to execute those laws faithfully, the suit contends. In this way, the administration's actions go far beyond mere lax enforcement and rise to the level of a constitutional violation. No prior administration in the history of the Republic has acted, with respect to the laws it was charged with enforcing, the way Biden's has acted under the immigration laws.


The suit also describes the piles of trash, massive property damage, and other environmental devastation Dr. Vickers has experienced on his ranch (not to mention the dozens of dead human bodies he has found on his property) as a result of the administration's policies. In flat violation of the National Environmental Policy Act, these policies, despite the obvious environmental impact they cause by adding millions of people to the population, and also by letting these millions enter in a lawless, chaotic way, were adopted without any environmental impact studies whatsoever.


"By this time, it is glaringly obvious to all that the Biden Administration has deliberately crashed border security in order to flood the country with as many illegal aliens as possible," said Dale L. Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of IRLI. "This is no mere policy failure, or just a violation of statutes, but flagrant disobedience to the Constitution. We hope the court sees Biden's war on the laws he is supposed to be enforcing as the constitutional offense it is, ends these policies, and grants an injunction."


The case is Vickers v. Biden, No. 2:24-cv-00169 (S.D. Tex.).