Monday, August 19, 2024

Gary Bauer: End Of Day - 8-19-24 - Komrade Kamala

"Komrade Kamala"

Democrats are gathering in Chicago for their national convention this week. That's good news for them because they can move on after a weekend of withering criticism of Kamala Harris's supposedly first serious policy address on Friday.

In her remarks about the economy, Harris unveiled "new ideas" that really weren't new. They go back at least as far as Karl Marx, and they're policies the left has been embracing for decades.

It's more and more government control over every aspect of our lives, including all business activity, the economy, our healthcare, our schools, energy, etc., etc. Everything that a free human being does in the course of everyday life, neo-Marxists intend to control with overwhelming Big Government.

In every area they seize control of, they demand that you follow their philosophy. The neo-Marxists will tell you what kind of car you can drive, what food you can eat, how to cook your food, how to heat your home, how you can defend yourself, etc. It is one big leviathan state.

Watching Harris speak Friday, she came across as someone talking for the first time about something they don't understand. I doubt she knew the meaning of many of the words she said.

On inflation, the main issue that dogging the Biden/Harris White House, she identified businesses as the cause of inflation. Harris referred to this as "price gauging" when she meant to say "price gouging." She suggested that government agencies should be empowered to control prices and prevent them from going up.

That's known as price controls. They've been tried before, and they never work.

So, because Bidenomics (which is now Kamalanomics) has crushed the dreams of millions of Americans and made their economic security worse, Harris's solution is more government control and more printing of money.

If inflation has priced you out of the housing market, Harris will give you $25,000 for a down payment. If the overregulation of the medical industry has caused a shortage of doctors and nurses, she wants a new law mandating that no one pays more than $2,000 for prescriptions. Sure, that sounds nice, but it will result in fewer life-saving drugs and higher prices.

A nonpartisan budget group estimated that the proposals Harris made just in that one speech would increase the national debt by an additional $1.7 trillion over the next ten years. How is all that extra spending going to be paid for? By increasing taxes on the "wealthy," of course.

But if you confiscated all the wealth of the richest Americans, it would run the federal government for less than nine months. And then, who are you going to get the money from?