Saturday, August 3, 2024

Senator Rick Scott's Week in Review

Monday was a dark day for democracy in Latin America as Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro stole another election from the Venezuelan people, again rejecting their calls for freedom and democracy. Sadly, the events leading up to this event started way before this week when the Biden-Harris administration cut a deal with Nicolás Maduro to ease oil sanctions. 

Since the Biden-Harris failed deal with dictator Maduro, the regime has grown in strength, our Western Hemisphere has become more dangerous and adversaries like Russia, China, Cuba and Iran are active in Venezuela at the dictator's invitation. 

Maduro's massive fraud is not the free and fair election we hoped it would be. But it is a clear result of the Biden-Harris failed appeasement that has emboldened Maduro. The result is a dictator who is murdering innocent Venezuelans on the streets and issuing an arrest warrant for María Corina Machado, Edmundo González, and other opposition leaders.

I spoke with María earlier this week and saw the election results. Edmundo González won this election, and after days of calling on the Biden-Harris administration to do so, I'm glad they finally recognized him as president-elect.

This is a significant moment in the Venezuelan people's fight for freedom and true representative government. As your U.S. Senator, I will continue working alongside the freedom-loving Venezuelan people to bring democracy back to their country and demanding the administration's weak appeasement policies that got us here are put to an end. 

Read more HERE.