Friday, August 9, 2024

Senator Mark Obenshain: Governor Youngkin's Executive Order on Election Security: A Crucial Step Forward

Governor Glenn Youngkin has been a leader in protecting the security of elections in Virginia. He has already led efforts that have resulted in the removal of nearly 89,000 deceased voters from our voter rolls as well as more than 6,000 non-citizens. However, more needs to be done. Voters need to have confidence that our elections are fair. While Democrats complain that voter fraud is just a figment of our imagination, every reported incident further undermines voter confidence in the integrity of our system. In fact just a couple of weeks ago it was widely reported that a Blacksburg City Council member (and former press secretary for the Democratic Party of Virginia) was indicted and arrested on four counts of voter fraud!


Governor Youngkin understands that elections in America must always be free and open. But he also understands that there is a third element that we cannot ignore – Fairness. Yesterday, Governor Youngkin took another decisive step to ensure free, open and FAIR elections in Virginia with the issuance of Executive Order 35.


This Executive Order solidifies the robust election security measures established during the past two years of Governor Youngkin's administration. Here are key points in the Executive Order, and why it is important:


1. **Enhanced Election Security**: The Executive Order ensures stringent ballot security, complete and thorough counting machine testing, and best-in-the-nation voter list maintenance. These measures guarantee that only legal ballots are cast and counted accurately.


2. **Annual Certification**: The Commissioner of the Department of Elections is now required to certify in writing annually that these improvements are in place, ensuring ongoing accountability and transparency in our electoral process.


3. **Non-Citizen Registration Prevention**: The EO outlines procedures to prevent non-citizens from registering to vote, including referral to local Commonwealth's attorneys and the Office of the Attorney General for enforcement.


4. **Paper Ballots and Secure Counting**: Virginia uses 100% paper ballots, providing a physical record of voters' intent. Counting machines, which are tested prior to every election and are not connected to the internet, ensure the highest level of security.


5. **Strict Voter List Maintenance**: Daily updates of voter lists and removal of deceased voters, ineligible persons, and non-citizens ensure the accuracy and integrity of our voter rolls.


Governor Youngkin's Executive Order represents a significant advancement in safeguarding the integrity of and voter confidence in our elections. By building on recent improvements and establishing rigorous procedures, we can ensure the counting of every legal vote and the prevention of illegal activities.


Thank you for your continued support and dedication to preserving the integrity of our electoral system. Together, we can ensure a fair and secure election process for all Virginians.