Friday, August 9, 2024

Thomas D. Klingenstein: Inequality As a Left-Wing Principle by Glenn Ellmers

By Glenn Ellmers

"Equality" is in bad odor on the Right these days. This is hardly new. Traditionalists have always had suspicions about America's theoretical foundation in equal natural rights; although the feeling has become more widespread in recent years as the cancer of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion seeps into every organ of American society. The reigning ideology of the ruling class contends that we are born unequal — either victims or oppressors — and it is the duty of our scientifically trained experts to correct this injustice by making us all equal.


The noxious agenda of equal outcomes leads to a suffocating project of social engineering: ethnic and gender parity, biological males in women's sports, and the repudiation of merit (or even effort) as "systemic racism." All decent Americans should oppose these tyrannical policies. But what is the appropriate response?


The solution, according to some on the Right, is to reject the delusion of equality by embracing the opposite principle of inequality. We are all different, after all, and it's our differences that distinguish and elevate us as unique, free individuals. A healthy society should therefore recognize and celebrate…diversity?


Maybe things are a bit more complicated than they first appear.

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