Sunday, August 4, 2024

Women's Rights Without Frontiers: WATCH: Dr. Peter McCullough, Nigel Farage, Reggie Littlejohn, Sovereignty Summit 2.0

Dr. Peter McCullough, Nigel Farage and Reggie Littlejohn were among 17 panelists for Sovereignty Summit 2.0.  See the complete list of panelists below.
Dear Friend,
During the long, summer months, it is easy to forget about the massive global threat we face.  The World Health Organization, United Nations, World Economic Forum and other supranational entities are swiftly marching forward with their plans to institute a global totalitarian bio-tech surveillance police state.  The WHO has already passed pernicious Amendments to its International Health Regulations and is continuing to negotiate its noxious Pandemic Treaty, which it aims to pass by the end of this year. 
Meanwhile, the United Nations will meet in late September to pass an "Emergency Platform" that would give it powers to direct the world's response in case of climate change, internet outage, the grid going down, and even an event in outer space!  The Avian Flu appears to be their latest tool to declare an emergency that will lead to the violation of our national and personal sovereignty.
Women's Rights Without Frontiers and the Center for Security Policy co-hosted Sovereignty Summit 2.0, in which outstanding national and international leaders and experts gathered to sound the alarm.  My remarks can be found at 21:35 – 26:32 and 1:46:31 to 1:48:27, but the entire Summit is worth your time.  You will find and all-star line-up of lawyers, doctors, legislators and experts from seven countries.  See the list, with time stamps, below. 
At the link, you can fine both a video and a transcript of the remarks.
CO-HOST AND MODERATOR:  FRANK GAFFNEY, Co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition and Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy thanks and welcomes contributors and audience
CO-HOST AND SPEAKER:  REGGIE LITTLEJOHN, ESQ., Co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition; Founder of Anti-Globalist International; and Co-Chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force; President of Women's Rights Without Frontiers           
  • PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH, a frontline internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist, punished for his truth-telling about the last pandemic; co-author, "The Courage to Face Covid-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex"
    Proposed Topic: "The Globalist's Assault on Public Health and Sovereignty" (1:55 – 6:27)

  • MERYL NASS, MD, A medical doctor and founder, Door to Freedom, with expertise on anthrax and other aspects of biological warfare
    Proposed Topic: "Avian Flu: COVID-19 2.0 Plandemic?" (7:22 – 13:37)

  • NIGEL FARAGE, Member of the U.K. Parliament for Clacton and Leader of Reform U.K. Party
    Proposed Topic: "Defending Sovereignty: What's at Stake?"  (14:33 – 20:41)

  • REGGIE LITTLEJOHN, ESQ., Co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition; Founder of Anti-Globalist International; and Co-Chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force; President of Women's Rights Without Frontiers
    Proposed Topic: "The IHR Treaty: A Dangerous 'Bait-and-Switch'" (21:35 – 26:32 and 1:46:31 – 1:48:27)

  • PHILIPP KRUSE, LL.M., Partner, Kruse Law headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland; Leading critic of the WHO
    Proposed Topic: "The IHR Amendments Violate the WHO's 
    Own Constitution, Among Others'" (27:30 to 36:11)

  • SENATOR CLAUDIO BORGHI, an Italian businessman; entered the Senate in October 2022; former Member of the Chamber of Deputies from 2013-2022
    Proposed Topic: "The Italian People Want Sovereignty and Freedom, Not 'Global Governance'" (37:04 - 39:57)

  • RALPH NORMAN (R-SC-5th), an American real estate developer and politician who has served as the U.S. representative for South Carolina's 5th congressional district since 2017; House Committees: Financial Services, Rules, and Budget
    Proposed Topic: "We Insist on Limited, Constitutional and Representative Government – Not 'Global Governance'" (41:14 – 44:36)

  • STEFANO GENNARINI, JD, Vice President for Legal Studies at the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam); C-Fam representative at UN Headquarters in NYC
    Proposed Topic: "The UN 'Summit of the Future': Don't Give the Secretary General Dictatorial Powers" (45:55 – 51:36)

  • DAVID BELL, M.D., Former medical officer and scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO); Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute; public health physician and biotech consultant in global health
    Proposed Topic: "The WHO Must Not Be the Arbiter of Global Health: Defeat the IHR and Pandemic Treaties" (52:40 – 55:52)

  • MAT STAVER, B.A., M.A., J.D., Chairman, Senior Pastor, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel; Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action, Faith and Liberty, Freedom Federation, and Salt & Light Council
    Proposed Topic: "The IHR Amendments Agreement is a Treaty and a Threat to Our Constitution" (57:21 – 1:07:27)

  • ANDREA NAZARENKO, a community and quantitative psychologists whose work focuses on bridging the gap between research and practice, and engaging in system-level, societal change. She is a leading expert in implementation science and co-founder of The Inspired Network, a coordinated action network for healthcare system improvement
    Proposed Topic: "Global Power Grabs and The Psychology of Fear" (1:08:39 – 1:17:50)

  • KAT LINDLEY, D.O., Primary Care Physician; Co-founder, Global Health Project; contributor to the Global Covid Summit; President of the Texas Osteopathic Medical Association; Member of the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons
    Proposed Topic: "The Truth about the Avian Bird Flu" (1:18:45 – 1:21:25)

  • Dr. JESSICA ROSE, PhD, MSc, BSc., BSc. in Applied Mathematics, an MSc. in Immunology, a PhD in Computational Biology and a two Post Docs in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (1:22:56 – 1:27:51)

  • HONORABLE SORIN T. MANCACIU, Romanian politician, member of the Chamber of Deputies, Alliance for the Unity of Romanians, European Conservatives Group and Democratic Alliance
    Proposed Topic: Reject the UN's Totalitarian "Pact for the Future" (1:28:58 – 1:33:57)

  • ARIEL KELLNER, Member of Israel's Knesset
    Proposed Topic: "Israel's Hard Experience with 'Global Governance': Why the World Doesn't Need More of It" (1:35:02 – 1:36:22)

  • KRIS ULLMAN, ESQ., National President, Eagle Forum; Member, Sovereignty Coalition
    Proposed Topic: "Mobilizing the Masses to Counter Globalism and Solidify Sovereignty" (1:38:02 – 1:41:27)

  • U.S. REPRESENTATIVE BOB GOOD (R-5-VA), Chairman, House Freedom Caucus; Serves on the Education and Labor Committee and the Budget Committee
    Proposed Topic: "Why Sovereignty Matters, It Must Not Be 
    Compromised" (1:42:04 – 1:46:20)

  • FRANK GAFFNEY – (Closing remarks, 1:48:29 – 1:51:35)