Friday, August 2, 2024

Lt Col Oliver North USMC (Ret): A True American Hero

When Hung Cao says, "Joe Biden is unfit to be our Commander-in-Chief," I agree.

In 2021, the Biden White House perpetrated a horrific, humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan resulting in the death of eleven U.S. Marines, a Navy Medical Corpsmen and a U.S. Army soldier. Though Hung Cao never sought any credit, he devoted months of his recent retirement from the U.S. Navy, in a quiet, uncompensated, 24/7 effort to help rescue American citizens, allies and brave interpreters who were abandoned by Mr. Biden's catastrophic capitulation in Afghanistan.

Hung Cao won't run from a fight. He never has. He never will. Though possessed of true humility, he won't "play it safe" or deliver meaningless speeches or strive to be "politically correct."

What Hung Cao will do is boldly employ his God-given gifts of faith, courage, experience and wisdom to become a leader in the U.S. Senate.

We, our children and grand-children deserve to have Hung Cao, an American Hero, a man of faith, integrity, and proven courage in mortal combat, representing us and our values in the U.S. Senate. That's why I am officially endorsing Hung for the Senate and asking you to join me in endorsing him today >>


When Hillary Clinton ran for President her hand-picked Vice Presidential candidate, a professional politician and liberal activist, is now Hung Cao's opponent here in Virginia. Like all of Mr. Biden's far-left, self-serving comrades, he pays lip-service to the American Dream and "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Hung Cao is the most relevant person to address our present national crises. I know of no one more qualified to speak out against the socialist propaganda plaguing our military, education system, and culture. We are at a tipping point and Hung reminds us that our power doesn't derive from bureaucrats in Washington; it's cultivated in our communities, our homes, and around our kitchen tables.


Virginia is where our entire family lives and works. On behalf of our 18 grand-children, my wife Betsy and I pray every day we Virginians will show our countrymen how to preserve America's future by electing a conservative champion, our dear friend, Hung Cao, to a seat in a Republican-majority, U.S. Senate. 

For America,

Lt Col Oliver North USMC (Ret)