Monday, June 16, 2008

Local Paper Cries Over the Cost of Meat but not Illegals

The June 15th edition of The Daily Progress had a Associated Press pro-Illegal Immigration article entitled, "Raid on meat processor beefs up kosher costs," on B1, below the fold.

The AP story begins by warning consumers that kosher meat "may grow even pricier this summer, following the arrests of nearly half the work force in an immigration raid at the nation's largest meat processor."

According to the article, 400 workers were arrested on "immigration, identity theft and other charges."

However, the article didn't waste any space fretting over those poor folks who have been victimized by illegal aliens perpetrating identity theft and medical identity theft. Over 10 million people have been victims of these crimes, according to the Federal Trade Commission way back in 2002.

Instead the story remained focused on how much the price of kosher meat would rise, even after Agriprocessor Inc. hired (gasp!) documented workers, perhaps even American citizens.

Readers might have been interested to learn that those illegal alien workers were costing them far more than the price of the meat they were processing. The cost to taxpayers includes, "education, public health, public utilities, and social welfare," according to a NewsMax article by James H. Walsh.

"The costs to identity-theft victims outweigh the benefits to businesses, voter-hungry politicians, and aliens defiant of U.S. immigration law. Coddling illegal aliens by downplaying their criminal conduct weakens the fiber of the nation, undermining the authority of government and putting national security at risk," said Walsh.

"Scholarly cost-benefit studies that have delved deeply into this question and found... that illegal immigrants cost American taxpayers far more than they contribute economically," writes former Georgetown University research professor of economics Alfred Tella in a recent rebuttal to a Washington Post propaganda piece favoring illegal immigration.

"Steven Camarota, research director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has estimated the net fiscal cost at the federal level alone to American taxpayers of illegal immigrant households in one year at about $10 billion," added Tella.

The article steadfastly ignored these facts and stayed on topic, maintaining concern over the rising cost of kosher meat to Observant Jews and Muslims. Perhaps it would have been too much to expect for this liberal paper to show equal concern over the true cost of illegal immigration.