Friday, October 28, 2022

Endorsement Alert!

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)/ American Conservative Union (ACU) with
Chairman Matt Schlapp

Endorses John McGuire 
For State Senator for Virginia's 10th District

CPAC/ ACU with Chairman Matt Schlapp is proud to endorse Delegate John McGuire for Virginia State Senate District 10. The American Conservative Union (ACU) is an American political organization that advocates for conservative policies, ranks politicians based on their level of conservatism, and organizes the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Founded in 1964, CPAC is the nation's oldest conservative grassroots organization and seeks to preserve and protect the values of life, liberty, and property for every American. Twitter link here

Redistricting back in December threw many of us for a loop. My team and I considered and discussed many options on how I could continue the fight to protect our God given rights. After much prayer and thought it became clear the new Senate District 10 open seat was the best way for me to continue the teamwork and fight needed to save our country from radical marxist policies and continue to advance our conservative values in the commonwealth. It has been an honor receiving one of the highest conservative scores in the General Assembly each year for the last 5 years as a Member of the House of Delegates District 56. I am fired up, full of energy, and ready to continue fighting for you in State Senate District 10. This election, TBD, will most likely be in the spring of 2023.
Our country is hanging by a string. To win, it is vital fellow Republicans put petty differences aside and unite. In just 14 days we must get Bob Good, Yesli Vega, and the rest of our congressional delegation across the finish line. I recommend you and your friends vote today or as early as possible.

I'm running for State Senate so we can un-California Virginia. It starts with election integrity. For a better future, we must win back the Virginia State Senate in 2023 and stop the madness. I invite you and your friends to join me in this cause. Please sign up now to be a delegate for the convention, TBD, and please share with friends via email here: Take care, please spread the word and I look forward to seeing you around the district!

Senate District 10 Counties:

Prince Edward
CPAC Orlando 2022 Photos