On October 19th and 20th, 2022 ACIP will be meeting to discuss adding the current covid vaccines to the CDC recommendation lists for both children and pregnant women. It is imperative that the advisory committee consider the current health risks and urgent concerns regarding these medical products. The meeting can be live streamed here.
Under the emergency use authorization the covid vaccines are exempt from liability. Since 1986 every vaccine added to the childhood schedule has a blanket liability shield for the manufacturers. If these products are added to the recommendation list, and the emergency use authorization ends, these products will have complete immunity liability indefinitely. This means the manufacturer, distributor, and medical professional administering the shot will not have to answer for any resulting injuries or death. The only resource in this scenario would be filing a claim for compensation with the federal government under the VAERS system and with vaccine injury compensation program. A system designed in cooperation with the pharmaceutical companies that offers limited compensation and often denies any serious claims because of their ever-changing allowances on the compensation tables.
Although CDC just issues recommendations, based on ACIP guidance, many states base their school mandates on these directives. Pharmaceutical companies now have the most powerful lobbying in history. They have worked strategically in coordination with local, state, and federal public health agencies to apply and enforce mandates for their liability free products. Although many states have exemptions information about them is not included in standard informed consent practices.
Your voice matters. Contact the ACIP Committee members today. Call, email, tweet, Facebook, and LinkedIn are all methods you can use to express your concerns. Please use the hashtags #ACIP #ACIPVOTENO #Covidliabilityshield #covidvaccines #stopthemandates