Monday, October 17, 2022


Yesli Vega for Virginia

Fellow American,

Abigail Spanberger and her radical-left allies are finally saying the quiet parts out loud.

If you won't teach YOUR children THEIR values they will use the government to take away your children and place you in jail.


How far and how quickly Abigail and her Party have gone off the deep-end is mind boggling for many.

But it ultimately comes as no surprise.

Because they believe they know what's best for your children and grandchildren.

 We should have all seen this coming last month when Abigail threw a temper tantrum and cursed out Governor Youngkin and her colleagues in response to the Governor's common-sense proposals to put parents back in charge of their kid's lives.


Her unhinged behavior certainly wasn't an example of "The Virginia Way."

But what we've come to expect from an extreme left-wing partisan who votes with Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time. 

There cannot be a greater contrast than this.

I trust you to know how best to raise your children.

Abigail Spanberger trusts left-wing bureaucrats and her radical political friends and supporters.