Sunday, September 4, 2022

A Labor Day Message from Congressman Bob Good

September 3, 2022

"Free men and women, working for a better life for themselves and their children, settled a continent, built a society, and created and diffused an abundance hitherto unknown to history. Free men and women, affirming their dignity as individuals and asserting their rights as human beings, developed a philosophy of democratic liberty which holds out hope for oppressed peoples across the world."  - President John F. Kennedy, Labor Day 1963

"As a Nation, we trace our roots to the brave and hardy individuals who cleared the timber, sowed the fields, and laid the foundations of great cities -- people for whom freedom meant nothing less than the opportunity to build a better world. Labor Day is a time to recall that heritage of accomplishment, as well as the deeper meaning and dignity that work holds for each of us." - President George H.W. Bush, 1989

Today, a country whose greatness was long recognized in a bipartisan fashion as being due to the spirit and determination of its people, is under attack from a President and his political party who believe the greatest threat to America is Americans. President Biden's prime time address this week proves once again that he is more interested in dividing us politically than in recognizing the principles that make this country great. His message was simple: if you are unwilling to unconditionally surrender to the radical agenda being put forward by President Biden and his allies in Washington, then you are the problem.

I wholeheartedly reject this notion.

On this Labor Day weekend, I stand with the hardworking men and women around the 5th District and across America who are doing their very best to improve their own lives and that of their families. As your elected representative to Congress, I do everything I can to return power to you, to stand up for your freedoms, to let you keep more of what you earn, and to create economic conditions which raise your standard of living.

Growing up in a low-income household, I learned very quickly the value of a dollar, and the reward of a hard day's work. I understand the stress that comes from seeing your family budget stretched thin by rising costs which are caused by economically ignorant government policies. I appreciate the frustration when the so-called solutions offered by your elected officials make no sense at all, like the Biden Administration's suggestion you should simply buy an electric car to deal with higher gas prices.

Over the past two weeks, President Biden took two more actions that prove he is standing squarely on the side of special interests in Washington, and not the American people.

The President signed the misnamed "Inflation Reduction Act" into law. Independent economists agree that this legislation will not reduce inflation at all. It is nothing more than another massive, inflation-increasing, government spending bill full of giveaways to big businesses, big insurance companies, and the radical environmental lobby. It raises taxes on small businesses. It restricts American energy independence. It tears down our innovative prescription drug research and development efforts. And, it gives the IRS $80 billion to hire nearly 87,000 new employees who will increase the audits on every income bracket according to the Congressional Budget Office.

The President also announced he wants hardworking Americans to "help" pay off the student loan debts of others up to $20,000. If you paid off your loans, found a way to pay your way through school, helped your child go to college without debt, or did not attend college at all, you are now financially on the hook for the decisions made by others to take on more debt than they could pay. And, this plan will cost anywhere between $300 billion and $1 trillion at a time when we know more government spending will only further increase inflation (again).

These are just the latest examples of misguided policies that are negatively impacting this country. Unfortunately, the economic agenda driven by the Biden Administration is a constant, overreaching hand into our daily lives that undermines the opportunity for every individual to pursue the American Dream.

I also submit that the challenges facing our country can better be met by restoring respect for the Judeo-Christian principles our founders relied upon. In 1980, then candidate for president, Ronald Reagan offered this insight, "But restoring the American dream requires more than restoring a sound, productive economy, vitally important as that is. It requires a return to spiritual and moral values. Values so deeply held by those who came here to build a new life. We need to restore those values in our daily life, in our neighborhoods, and in our government's dealings with other nations of the world."

These values go beyond how Americans worship, but how they apply their faith to their individual work ethic, their dealings with their fellow man, and how they serve their communities. Certainly, under our Constitution, not every American has to hold the same set of beliefs. However, too often our churches, religious institutions, and even individuals, have seen their First Amendment rights come under attack from those who wish to ensure religion has no influence in our society at all. And our country is worse off for it.

Now is the time for leaders across this great nation who will boldly and courageously stand up and fight for the people and the values that made the United States great.


Bob Good
Member of Congress