Saturday, September 10, 2022

Remembering 9/11

 By Gary Bauer

Sunday marks the 21st anniversary of the barbaric attacks on 9/11. Please take a moment to remember what happened on that day -- the heroic sacrifices that were made that day, and the heroic sacrifices made in the years that followed. 

Evil is real. There are evil people who mean to destroy our country and our way of life. This is nothing new. But like generations past, we must find the courage to defend our values and defeat that evil.

Meanwhile, as the world mourns the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, the queen won my heart when, in the aftermath of the vicious 9/11 attacks, she broke with tradition and ordered the playing of our national anthem at Buckingham Palace. 

It was a testament to her character, her faith in Judeo-Christian values and her appreciation for the alliance of English-speaking people in the cause of freedom around the world.