Saturday, September 10, 2022

Empowering Our Parents

By Congressman Bob Good

When President Biden took the stage in Philadelphia a little more than a week ago, he confirmed what we have known since he took office. His administration believes that the greatest threat to America is Americans. If you are unwilling to go along with President Biden's liberal policies, you risk being branded as a threat to democracy. Look no further than the 2021 decision by Attorney General Merrick Garland to enlist the FBI to investigate parents as 'domestic terrorists' for speaking up at school board meetings.  

Parents aren't the threat. The real threat to the future of our education system comes when woke school administrators force factually-bankrupt curriculum and gender-confusing ideology on our innocent children rather than focusing on the basics of education.  

For too long the public school system has undermined parental involvement in education decisions. The union-driven COVID lockdown and mandate policies in our schools served as a wake-up call for many parents, and school boards across the country have tried to stop them from raising their voices in protest. I am proud to stand on the side of parents who are seeking to restore their proper place in education decisions. 

During my first term in Congress, I have introduced several education bills to move power away from Washington bureaucrats and union bosses and put it back in the hands of parents. Last Friday, I introduced the Empowering Parents Act to recognize that parents have the legal ability to hold schools accountable in a court of law. 

The Empowering Parents Act would change the balance of power, so parents could rightfully have a say in what their children are being taught in the public school system. No child should be forced to read, observe, or participate in public school curriculum which encourages them to accept woke gender ideologies, to view explicit sexual material, or to "learn" divisive critical race theory.