Friday, September 30, 2022

Abigail Isn’t Fooling Anyone, She Votes with Pelosi 100% of the Time

September 30th, 2022

PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY - Today, the Vega campaign responded to Abigail Spanberger's attempt to hide the fact she votes with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time.


"Abigail Spanberger's election year transformation is becoming stale, it's the same thing every two years. With less than forty days before the election, Abigail is grasping at anything to keep herself relevant as she tries to hide her voting record from Virginians. Too little, too late. Virginians can see through Abigail's desperate attempts to mislead them and they are ready to vote her out in November."  – Vega Spokesperson


Abigail has supported Nancy Pelosi's agenda every step of the way, casting votes in lockstep with Pelosi and the radical left:


  • Abigail has voted with Nancy Pelosi on trillion-dollar spending packages that have driven up the cost of living and crippled Virginians pocketbooks.
  • Abigail enabled Nancy Pelosi and the Defund the Police movement, voting with Pelosi to defund the police.
  • Abigail voted with Nancy Pelosi to cut parents out of their children's education, doing the bidding of teacher unions.