Monday, September 26, 2022

Russell Co. Declares it’s a Pro-life Sanctuary!

The Family Foundation

Victoria Cobb, President

Monday, September 26, 2022


The mainstream media won't share this information with you, but we will: the amazing people of Russell County, Virginia, have once again set the standard for the rest of the state by declaring itself a pro-life sanctuary!  On September 12th, the Russell County Board of Supervisors, after listening to their constituents, passed a local resolution that declares the county to be a community that promotes the dignity of all human beings, from conception through natural death. 


They are now the first locality in Virginia whose elected body passed a resolution that vows to do everything within its powers to protect the full humanity of the preborn child.  Here are some of the strong declaratory statements contained within their resolution:

  • "The Russell County Board of Supervisors hereby recognizes and declares the full humanity of the pre-born child … where the dignity of all human beings, from conception through death, will be defended and promoted."

  • "The Russell County Board of Supervisors hereby resolves to enforce this resolution by all means within its power…"

Now their achievements have inspired Tazwell County to consider a similar resolution affirming the dignity from conception to natural death at its October 4th BOS meeting.  We can't let Russell County (and maybe Tazwell) be alone – every pro-life citizen should help spread pro-life sanctuaries statewide!