Sunday, September 4, 2022

Delegate Phillip Scott Weekly Newsletter LXI

Biden's Blunder of the Week
If you missed it, watch or listen to Biden's speech at Independence Hall on Sept. 1, 2022. It is a shocking speech from a sitting president. He claims that MAGA Republicans hate our country, hate the rule of law, desire destruction, and many other false and divisive claims with no evidence. In fact, it was the progressive left that took to the streets and literally destroyed cities. MAGA Republicans love the USA. It is the progressive left that has verbally expressed their disgust with our nation. It was the left who for four years denied the legitimacy of President Trump's win. Biden is stirring up hate and division. My fellow Republicans, when the progressive left who seek to turn our country into a socialistic one come out and attack us, we must stand tall. We must show the world that we are the party working to protect individual liberty. Though the speech is full of lies, I agree that we are at a pivotal point in the history of our country. Either we will continue to elect people to power who are actively working to destroy our Constitutional Republic and ushering in a liberal world order, or we will elect public servants dedicated to protecting everyone and their individual rights. I will continue to do what I can at the state level to protect your God given rights.
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It is imperative that we elect the right candidates to Congress.
Here is a list of all the Republican Congressional candidates in Virginia and a link to their websites. They need prayer! They need an army of volunteers! They need donations!
District 1: Rob Wittman -
District 2: Jen Kiggans -
District 3: Terry Namkung -
District 4: Leon Benjamin -
District 6:  Ben Cline -
District 7: Yesli Vega -
District 8: Karina Lipsman -
District 9: Morgan Griffith -
District 10: Hung Cao -
District 11: Jim Myles -