Thursday, June 6, 2024

American Family Association - Tim Wildmon: Yes, the elites do want to rig our elections—here's proof

Do you think it's okay to cheat to win an election?


Of course you don't, and neither do I.


However, results from a recent survey by veteran pollster Scott Rasmussen have revealed that America's "elite"—high-income, well-educated, urban progressives—think much differently on this topic.


In fact, what this poll uncovered was so shocking that Rasmussen himself called it "the most terrifying poll result I've ever seen."


Here's what he found:


35% of America's progressive elite say they are okay with cheating to win an election.


And it gets worse. Among politically active progressive elites, the number of those okay with cheating to win jumps to an astonishing 69%. That's compared to only 7% of ordinary Americans who are okay with cheating.


These findings are frightening. But sadly, they're not surprising.


Even though the opinions of the elite 1% are totally out of step with ordinary Americans, they control many of our culture's power levers and believe they are justified in using any means—honest or not—to force society into conformity with their radical progressive views.


In other words . . . the elite think they are more intelligent than you, morally superior to you, and should be the ones who determine our nation's future.


They're wrong. But we need your help to send this message loud and clear.