Thursday, June 6, 2024

Gary Bauer - AVA: End of Day - 6-5-24

Biden's Bogus Order

Joe Biden's bogus "border security" executive order may well be the worst attempt at gaslighting the American people that we have seen over the past three and a half years. In fact, the entirety of yesterday's press conference was a huge admission that Biden has been lying to us!

Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas -- the most pathetic excuse ever for a Homeland Security secretary -- have repeatedly insisted that "the border is secure."

They knew it was a lie every time they said it! But if this "border security" order is so necessary, then the border clearly was not and is not secure.

Why not?

Because Joe Biden issued 94 executive orders undoing everything Donald Trump did to really secure the border. But don't take my word for it. Here's our so-called "Homeland Security Secretary" actually admitting it!

Joe Biden kicked the "border wall" 94 times! One order pretending to get tough won't make up for 94 previous orders gutting border security.

Parts of the wall were already paid for but hadn't been installed yet. Biden left the sections of steel bollards to rust in the desert. And when Texas Gov. Greg Abbott offered to buy the unused sections, Biden instead auctioned them off as quickly as he could.

Here's another lie. Biden said his order was necessary because congressional Republicans refused to act. False!

House Republicans passed H.R. 2, a serious border security bill, over a year ago. It was Senate Democrats who refused to act because they refused to even consider it.

Biden should be laughed out of the room when he claims to be securing the border!

Soon, you'll have the chance to vote him out of the White House for failing to secure the border!  

So Many Loopholes

As I noted yesterday, there are so many exceptions and loopholes in Biden's "border security" order that he should be sued for fraud. It will not secure the border!

Again, you don't have to take my word for it. Journalist Bill Melugin has extensively covered the border for Fox News. He said, "In no way can Biden's executive order be described as 'shutting down' the border."

If you question Melugin's objectivity, NBC's David Noriega said essentially the same thing, "I'm quite skeptical that this is going to have any kind of immediate, widespread, dramatic impact on the border. . ."

Perhaps the worst loophole is the fact that Biden excluded unaccompanied minors from the order.

Neil Cavuto confronted Secretary Mayorkas about this, asking, "Isn't that a green light for drug cartels to take advantage of [children]?" Mayorkas stubbornly refused to admit the obvious, and kept saying, "We're going to adhere to our values."


We know that the cartels exploit children in all kinds of ways. We've seen it before. Barack Obama had such a huge problem with unaccompanied children crossing the border that he wanted to speed up child deportations.

We know adult illegal aliens exploit this loophole by claiming to be children.

We know that unaccompanied children, sadly, are subject to exploitation here in the United States by sex traffickers and businesses looking for cheap labor.

We know the Biden administration lost at least 85,000 migrant children.

The Biden administration is running the biggest human trafficking operation in the entire world! They were in such a rush to get the kids out of processing centers that they turned them over to people who weren't even vetted!

How is any of that "adhering to our values"?

Biden Thinks You're Stupid

Joe Biden said the quiet part out loud yesterday when he attempted to placate his radical left-wing base. Here's what he said:

"For those who say the steps I've taken are too strict, I say to you: Be patient. The goodwill of the American people is wearing thin right now. Doing nothing is not an option. We have to act. . . We take the steps today . . . to make sure we preserve who we are for future generations to come."


Allow me to translate:

"For my neo-Marxist friends and progressive allies who don't want any limits on immigration, I say to you: I've seen the polling. After three years of open borders, the bigots and Neanderthals are angry.


"So, give me some space. If I don't do something now, we're going to lose. But if we get back in, Katie bar the door. We'll pass a mass amnesty bill and register millions of new Democrat voters."

The polling is clear. A majority of Americans, including 45% of Hispanics and 40% of blacks, want to deport as many illegal aliens as possible.

Asked to choose between a candidate who supports amnesty or a candidate who favors mass deportations, voters went 52% to 36% for the candidate calling for mass deportations.

Joe Biden and the Democrat Party have made it clear they will not deport anyone. They want open borders because they want millions of new voters. And they don't care how much it threatens national security, strains taxpayers, contributes to crime, gang violence, or fentanyl deaths.

The election is a dead heat, and immigration is one of Donald Trump's biggest strengths. But Biden only needs to pick up a few points on this issue to make the difference. So, five months before the election, he's finally pretending to care about the border, hoping he can move votes on the margins.