Thursday, June 6, 2024

Marjorie Dannenfelser: Action Alert: Stop Schumer’s Payouts to Planned Parenthood

Did you know Chuck Schumer has declared June as "Abortion Month" and has committed to passing legislation over the next couple of weeks that supports the abortion industry? He wants federal and state tax dollars to fund abortion, and today, I need your urgent help to crush a dangerous piece of legislation – the so-called "Right to Contraception Act".


More accurately titled the Payouts to Planned Parenthood Act, this bill forces states to funnel your taxpayer dollars to the abortion industry, including to Planned Parenthood. This legislation isn't about ensuring access to contraception – it's about ensuring federal funding for organizations that perform abortions, directly attacking life-affirming healthcare providers.


The impact of this bill extends far and wide, threatening countless communities across our nation. It steamrolls conscience protections, pushing faith-based providers and others with moral or religious objections to either comply or shut down their vital services. Parents of underage girls would lose the ability to protect their children from sterilization procedures performed without their knowledge or consent.


This legislation feeds into the false narrative that states aim to ban contraception. No state has prohibited contraceptives or family planning. Contraception prevents pregnancy; abortion destroys innocent unborn children. Merging the two deliberately deceives the American people and supports the abortion industry's agenda.


Here's where it hits home: Allowing this bill to pass endorses a system that favors abortion providers over life-affirming health care services. This undermines the availability of compassionate care that respects both the mother and the unborn child. And it's the American taxpayer who funds this shift in priorities.


Life-affirming options will be severely disminished if this bill takes effect.

But we can counteract this, and it starts with you. Together, we can crush this harmful legislation and make our voices resonate through the halls of Congress. Take a moment right now to write to your senators. Demand they vote NO on the Payouts for Planned Parenthood Act.


Click the link below to send your senator's office a message:


Can I count on your critical action today on this timely issue? Together, we can stand against Schumer's commitment to make June "Abortion Month" and fight fiercely for a future where life is cherished and protected at every stage.