Thursday, June 6, 2024

Professor Nicholas Giordano: 🚨 Navigating the Fallout of America After Trump Guilty Verdict

Navigating the Fallout of America After Trump Guilty Verdict

Every American, particularly those on the other side of the political aisle, should be concerned because what is going on in America is not just dangerous, it will be our demise. One does not have to be a Trump supporter to recognize the damage that has been done.

Those who dismiss the significance do so at their peril. While Democrats achieved their goal of getting a Trump guilty verdict, and now gleefully proclaim that former President Trump is a convicted felon, it comes at a cost that they, and every American, may soon regret.

This isn't about Trump. Trump is just one person in a moment of time. Our country is much bigger than one person, and if our country is so weak that it cannot withstand Donald Trump as the Democrats proclaim, then our country doesn't deserve to survive.

What I can say with 100% certainty is that what our country cannot withstand is when the entire system is weaponized to target political opposition. What our country cannot withstand is when politics becomes criminalized and all the levers of power are used to target anyone that challenges the system. Most importantly, our Republic cannot withstand the blatant disregard for our Constitution and the democratic norms that have kept our Republic in check for 230+ years.

What happens when the self-anointed 'guardians of democracy' intentionally blow up every single democratic norm? It will not stop with Trump. It will get worse. They think they can control this, but Pandora's Box has been opened, and America has entered an unsettling era.

The full episode is available on any podcast platform or at The P.A.S. Report Website.

Activism is not the mission of universities

College administrators, professors and even elected officials seem to have lost sight of higher education's purpose.

Today, many seem to believe that the primary function of these institutions is to provide a platform for activism. Any steps to contain or limit political protest are seen as antithetical to their very existence. This view is erroneous, and we need to correct the misconception and restore the academic focus of colleges and universities.

Post-secondary education serves a critical role in society. By fulfilling its foundational, primary mission of teaching students to think critically, and to acquire knowledge through scholarship and research, these important institutions prepare the next generation to be productive citizens. That's not just for their benefit, but for the benefit of all of us.

Higher education is tasked with cultivating well-rounded individuals — that is ultimately the reason the government provides taxpayer money to support the industry, whether in student loans, subsidies, research grants or tax breaks. These students will become future leaders in medicine, engineering, education, science, policy and economics. For our country to remain prosperous, we need to be able to draw from a skilled and talented population.

The full opinion editorial is available at The Hill