The Primary Election is just two weeks from tomorrow.
We've recently announced my final 17 day blitz all over Virginia. I'll be visiting a total of 70 locations, meeting directly with voters, and sharing my campaign message.
Yesterday, I closed the weekend in Arlington with an energized group of supporters - including Morton Blackwell. Morton was re-elected on Saturday to his 10th! term as RNC Committeeman. I'm grateful for Morton's support and endorsement. He's a conservative legend, a winner, and a good friend. |
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I had a good time on Saturday at the Republican Party of Virginia's convention. I also congratulate Patti Lyman on her re-election as RNC Committeewoman. Morton and Patti's races were hard-fought for many months, but I'm sure they agree with me that these campaigns will make them perform even better in these important positions with the RNC. It's time for all Republicans in Virginia to unify behind their leadership.
I was shocked by the verdict against President Trump. Here's my statement from last week.
My Statement on the Trump Guilty Verdict:
"We live in a two-tiered Justice system where the politicization of our legal process has given us kangaroo courts with fixed, sham verdicts. It didn't start today, and it will not end today. But the verdict in the Trump trial is evidence: If they can do it to Trump, they can do it to you. We must restore equal Justice under law and the rule of law. This starts by taking back our country in November and re-electing Trump. If we fail to be successful in that regard, America as we know it is lost. Join me in praying for our country. May she persevere forevermore."
One more thing about tough fought elections? There's only one winner. I'm anticipating a close race in this primary for the Republican nomination to face career politician Tim Kaine, just like the race against Biden will be close.
I'm asking for your support. I'm asking for your money |