Thursday, June 6, 2024

Tony Perkins: Weaponization of the government has gone too far!

Our republic is in distress.

The recent news from New York is yet another reminder: our republic only thrives when justice is blind; it deteriorates when justice is blinded by politics and power.

As you are well aware, last Thursday, the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, was found guilty on 34 felony counts in the state of New York.

Over the weekend, I discussed the former president's conviction with House Speaker Mike Johnson and how our response to the Left's misuse of power to silence political and ideological opponents is critical to preserving our republic.

I also discussed this disturbing news with my good friend Dr. Ben Carson. He described Trump's conviction as the result of a "kangaroo court," adding:

"I think the vast majority of people... understand that if we go down this road, we're done as a fair country. And I think that people will respond appropriately."

You can watch my full conversation with Dr. Carson on FRC's brand-new STAND FIRM app. We've developed this new and improved platform to serve as a state-of-the-art digital community where followers of Christ can connect, grow, receive encouragement, stay up to date on news from a biblical worldview, and be empowered to defend the faith. To download the new STAND FIRM app, click here.

Martha, there are some within the conservative ranks that are demanding we fight fire with fire. In other words, lawlessness with lawlessness. Such an approach would be devastating to what remains of the structure of our republic. As Speaker Johnson pointed out publicly in an interview this past weekend, as conservatives, we believe in the rule of law.

Furthermore, as Christians, we know that to embrace the lawless tactics of the Left would be dishonoring to the Lord.

Thankfully, we are not left without examples of how to deal with lawlessness. Recall David. Anointed by God to be king, he spent nearly a dozen years being wrongfully pursued and persecuted by Saul.

But did David fight fire with fire? No, on multiple occasions, when David had the opportunity to strike back in like manner and protect his own life by killing Saul, he refused. He opted to trust God.

That did not mean David did not act; he did but in accordance with the Word and the ways of God.

We must do the same.

As Scripture says, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21).

FRC is overcoming evil with good by:

  1. Increasing our education efforts of SAGE Con (Spiritually Active, Governance Engaged Conservative) voters, making sure they are equipped with the facts so they can motivate family and friends to register and vote.
  2. Working with Republican leaders to expose instances when government power has been weaponized to intimidate and silence Christian and conservative voices.
  3. Realizing we are engaged in one of the most intense times of spiritual warfare in human history, we are organizing focused, strategic prayer ahead of this fall's election.

Martha, as Christians, we must not fight fire with fire, but we are not to sit back and allow the present course to continue. We must defend the faith!

To ensure we are equipped to fight the coming battles, FRC must raise $5 million before our critical fiscal year-end deadline on June 30. And thanks to generous friends of FRC, if you give today, your gift will be DOUBLED.

Will you stand with FRC to defend the faith and preserve our republic?


The weaponization of government against the Left's political and ideological opponents won't stop with Donald Trump. The law has been weaponized against the current administration's political adversaries.

Last week, documents surfaced revealing that a U.S. Department of Justice "hate" task force has been tracking the conservative parents' rights group, Moms for Liberty. Under the Biden administration, Moms for Liberty has been lumped in with real hate groups like the KKK.

But why?

It would seem that to the Biden DOJ, parents advocating against gender ideology curricula and LGBTQ+ material in their children's schools is an act of hate.

If that is the standard for what "hate" is, then it's little wonder that last year, the FBI field office in Richmond circulated a now-retracted memo targeting "Radical-Traditional Catholics" and connecting them with far-right white nationalists.

With known terrorists crossing our Southern border and acts of hostility against churches rising, there is no question where the Biden administration is placing its prosecutorial power -- its political opponents.

We cannot allow this lawfare to continue. Now is the time for Christians to stand together and defend the faith!

When you partner with us today, your generous gift will be DOUBLED thanks to friends of FRC. And for your gift, we will send you your very own Defending the Faith certificate as a mark of your courage and commitment to defending biblical values.

Plus, for a gift of $100 or more, your name will be proudly displayed on our Defending the Faith plaque at FRC's headquarters in the heart of Washington, DC.


Unfortunately, government power isn't the only thing the Left has weaponized against Christians and conservatives. The mainstream media is constantly playing defense for the Left and reporting news from the lens of their woke worldview.

To make matters worse, they often ignore, smear, or silence opposing voices.

Make no mistake: cancel culture is intent on squeezing the life out of Christian opposition. But we cannot be silent; we know the truth will set us free.

That's why FRC is using our platforms like Washington Watch, The Washington Stand, and our new cancel-resistant STAND FIRM platform to combat false narratives and defend the truth in the face of government weaponization and cancel culture.

As the body of Christ, we need to stand up against these dangerous threats to our freedoms, but we need to do so as the salt and light Jesus commanded us to be.

America has reached an important crossroads. Either we will allow the founding principles of religious liberty, human dignity, the rule of law, and the importance of truth to be chipped away until the republic we know and love collapses, or Christians will recognize the hour and seize this moment on the timeline of human history that we have been entrusted with by standing up and defending the faith in the face of this dark, spiritual onslaught.

I believe the Lord has been positioning Family Research Council to take a stand for such a time as this.

Will you join us?