Sign up for CODE RED: and
CODE RED Bus Departs March 16 Tuesday 6:45 AM (arrive by 6:30 AM) from 312 Connor Dr. Charlottesville, 22911 Target lot
Madison pick-up please be there by 7 AM. Bus departure: 7:15 AM from Food Lion Parking Lot across from Madison HS.
Culpeper Kohl's lot near Wachovia Bank, please arrive by 7:30 AM Bus will leave by 7:45 AM
Warrenton Commuter Lot on Rt 29 N near Rt 605 intersection. Arrive by 8 AM Bus to leave by 8:15 AM
Bus will leave the Capitol bus pick-up circle on the West side of the Capitol at 3:30 PM to return home.
Meet with Congressman Periello & others to join an effort to shut down unconstitutional government take over of healthcare. Be there. Send a friend. Thank you.
Bus leaves DC Capitol at 3:30 PM with a return to Warrenton around 5 PM, Culpeper Kohls 5:30 PM, Madison approximately 6 PM and Charlottesville Target Parking lot around 6:30 PM. Make a difference!
Reserve now: Every effort counts to stop Obamacare! God Bless you & our freedom! Rita C# 540-270-9559
Code Red Rally to Kill the Bill!**MEDIA ALERT**
What: CODE RED Health Care Rally to… Kill The Bill!
When: March 16, 2010 at 10:00 AM EST.
Where: Capitol Hill, Taft Park, Washington D.C.
American Grassroots Coalition & Tea Party Express welcome the American People to bring LOUD VOICES, Thoughts, Letters to their elected Representatives.
Speakers Include:
Every day counts: Let them know state sovereignty rights are being established in 38 states that have introduced resolutions to reaffirm the principles of delegated powers under the Constitution and the 10th Amendment.
Health Care Protection Acts have already passed in 7 states: AL, AZ, KS, SC, UT, VA & WY!
Ready to Roll. Let's move those buses; make a lot of noise in DC and around the country for those who fight this from home states! Let them know we are coming to the Hill to Kill the Bill!
Every morning each legislator on Capitol Hill reads his or her Press clip-file. Write articles and letters to the editor naming each Blue Dog. With a focus on the House, our voices will be heard.

Organized By: Americans for Prosperity
Take part in the "Honk Against the Health Care Takeover" event on March 16 at 12 noon: drive to your nearest congressional district office and drive around the office for at least 15 minutes occasionally honking your horn. Our goal is to have Americans across the nation telling the politicians to keep their hands off our health care through this "Honk Against the Health Care Takeover" effort.
Ken Cuccinelli Please don't forget to contact your legislators and ask them to vote against the current healthcare bill! It looks like it's going to be a close vote and our representatives here in Virginia could make the difference. (Facebook)