Sunday, March 28, 2010

Act to Stop the Lawlessness of this Administration

Guest Columnist J. Dori Callahan

The liberal politicians with the majority in the Federal government are overreaching the executive orders by legislative malfeasance and judicial diktat. They have abandoned their sacred oaths while putting our nation in peril.

Over a million citizens have marched on Washington, written letters, and telephoned congressional representatives seeking intervention to stop the Obama Health Care bill. Despite a majority of Americans opposing this Health Care bill, the will of the people was ignored and dismissed by this administration and the bill passed with back room deals and payoffs.

The Congressional spending of borrowed funds and apparent lack of concern that the national debt is already insurmountable disturb citizens. People can no longer trust the government to provide financial or military security, and believe it possible that the United States is headed toward socialism and financial failure.

With determination and spirit, citizens can take back our government and demand that congressional actions must be brought back within the original Constitution constraints.

If Americans do not act now, and the Rule of Law is overruled by the rule of men, tyranny and anarchy will prevail, and the law will depend on which of the parties possesses the majority of votes. The disregard of constitutional rules is clearly demonstrated by the flagrant lawlessness in the current administration. Citizens must understand that this type of government rule is abolishing our freedoms and denying fundamental liberties.

We must take back our nation before nothing is left to take back.