Thursday, June 6, 2024

Brian S. Brown, NOM: Not Pride

Giant corporations have once again launched a ubiquitous assault on the senses with images of "gay pride" flooding consumers from every angle – paid TV and radio advertisements, social media posts, store displays, rainbow-themed products of every type, etc.

They're virtue signaling to the homosexual and transgender lobby for the entire month of June, so-called "Pride Month."

This year, we're giving consumers a better option, letting these corporations know that we've had enough of their work to impose a radical LGBT agenda on America, especially on children.  Please sign our petition to let corporate executives from giant companies like Target, Disney, Anheuser Busch and others know that they are inspiring "Not Pride" from your family and millions of others who do not support the LGBT agenda that attempts to shred American values, sexualize children and punish people of faith.

Sign The Petition To Let Corporate Executives Hear Your Voice

What, exactly, are these mega-corporations endorsing when they proclaim "pride" in the LGBT agenda? 

It's an agenda that attacks the foundational institution of marriage and seeks to intentionally deny children the love of both a mother and father.

It's an agenda that denies bodily reality, seeking to replace biological sex with "gender identity" and "sexual orientation." It's an agenda that strips women of their rights to safe, protected areas reserved for females (housing, restrooms, showers, shelters, etc.) and allows men to compete against girls and women in athletics.

It's an agenda that preys on young teens, targeting them for recruitment into a transgender lifestyle as a false and often deadly "solution" to their insecurities and confusion.

It's an agenda that strips Americans of their religious liberty rights to live their lives according to their own beliefs, forcing them to bend a knee to the demands of LGBT radicals or face ruinous legal and reputational allegations of "discrimination."

And it's an agenda that is pushed on unsuspecting, innocent children in schools, stores, libraries, community centers and countless other places where kids congregate.

Sign Our "Not Pride" Petition

NOM is declaring June 2024 to be "Not Pride" month because there is nothing to be proud of watching mega-corporations get behind a radical agenda driven by LGBT extremists.

Please add your name to our "Not Pride" petition. When you sign, an email will be sent in your name to top corporate executives at one-dozen companies who are some of the biggest backers of the LGBT agenda in corporate America, including executives at such behemoths as Target Corporation, Disney and Anheuser Busch letting them know that you do not appreciate their support of the radical LGBT agenda.

Each of the companies we are targeting with this campaign have not only taken steps to promote the LGBT narrative during Pride Month – Target Corp. went so far as to display LGBT-themed clothing for infants and even "tuck friendly" bathing suits to allow men to wear swimsuits designed for women – they each are actively supporting federal legislation (the InEquality Act, HR 15) to impose vast elements of the LGBT lobby's agenda. 

These companies are fighting for legislation that declares the belief – held throughout human history and practiced by virtually every major religion – that marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman – to be a "sex stereotype" and thus illegal "sex discrimination." 

It redefines "sex" to mean "gender identity" and "sexual orientation" and thus gives men the ability to force themselves into intimate areas reserved for women – showers, locker rooms, bathrooms, shelters, etc. – on the basis of declaring a female "gender identity." 

It also allows men to compete against girls and women in athletic competitions, stealing their chances for success and athletic achievement and robbing them of scholarships. 

The legislation will result in the indoctrination of children as young as kindergarten about transgender ideology, and strips Americans who question the radical LGBT agenda of their statutory religious liberty rights. And, it undermines all state laws that have been enacted to protect minors from mutilating surgeries and sex change procedures until they are an adult. 

Does this agenda sound to you like anything that big corporations should have "Pride" in supporting?  No. It inspires the exact opposite from millions of Americans – "Not Pride."