Thursday, June 6, 2024

The American TFP: True conservatives see through Target's half-hearted retreat.

Over the past few years, Target received lots of push-back for its radical promotion of the homosexual agenda. Millions of dollars lost later, the company decided to tone down the promotion by taking a middle road to appease its customers. This won't deceive true conservatives.

True Conservatives Will Never Be Deceived by Target's Ridiculous Attempt to Escape Their Prideful Past

The environmental group Save the World's Rivers got local Colorado authorities to pass a "Rights of Nature Resolution" granting one river its "fundamental and inalienable rights."

Will this river remain "free"? Read this article to find out.

The River That Lost Its Rights: A Step Back From Environmental Madness

China's attacks on the West are becoming more frequent and blatant. Take a minute to see what's happening by reading this short piece.

FBI Warns of Chinese Hackers Targeting Critical U.S. Infrastructure