Thursday, June 6, 2024

Gary Bauer: End Of Day - 6-6-24

Deep State Lies

This is not new news, but it's worth addressing again so people understand what we are up against.

As you know, Hunter Biden is standing trial right now on federal gun charges. The main exhibit being used by Justice Department prosecutors to prove their case is Hunter Biden's infamous laptop.

This is the same laptop that 51 top former intelligence officials said was "Russian disinformation." The FBI told social media outlets that the Russians were about to launch a disinformation campaign targeting Hunter during the 2020 election.

When the laptop story broke, all the social media companies and other news outlets quickly shut down any discussion of the laptop.

But the FBI lied. They knew the laptop was real. They had it in their possession for months.

The Deep State lied so its media allies would censor the news to prevent the American people from learning the truth. It was blatant election interference by 51 intelligence officials and the FBI.

When Donald Trump brought up the laptop in a presidential debate, Joe Biden cited all the intelligence experts, including five former CIA directors, and accused Trump of lying. It was a big moment in the debate. You can watch it here.

But it was Biden and his Deep State gang who were lying the whole time. And not one of those 51 intelligence officials or anyone at the FBI has been held accountable.

That's the real threat to democracy.

More Lies Exposed

Do you recall Cassidy Hutchinson's dramatic testimony before the January 6th Committee?

It was Hutchinson, a former Trump White House aide, who in June 2022 told the world that Donald Trump wanted to go to Capitol Hill to lead the so-called "insurrection," but the Secret Service wouldn't take him there. Cassidy said a furious Trump lunged across the vehicle and tried to grab the wheel.

That story went all over America to help establish the narrative that what happened on January 6th was an "insurrection" led by Donald Trump to overthrow the government of the United States.

It was all a disgusting lie, and the January 6th Committee knew it was a lie.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) is leading the investigation into the conduct of the January 6th Committee. He told Just The News he has evidence that Trump's Secret Service driver repeatedly asked to testify to refute Hutchinson's lies. Trump never reached for the wheel, and Hutchinson wasn't even in the vehicle.

But Liz Cheney – "Ms. Republican" and the former vice president's daughter – blocked the driver's testimony until the day before the 2022 midterm elections, long after many votes were cast in an election dominated by the nonstop "insurrection" narrative.

The January 6th Committee spread lies and disinformation and didn't want anything that contradicted their false narrative to be known.