Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Brian S. Brown: Our first gay president

Bill Clinton was famously labeled America's first Black president because of his closeness to the African American community.  If that is true, then Joe Biden is America's first gay president for his embrace of the LGBT agenda.

I've written in recent days about a major effort by Biden to impose the homosexual/transgender agenda by redefining "sex" under Title IX to mean "gender identity" or "sexual orientation." This destroys any space in society reserved for women because men who "identify" as women can invade those spaces – restrooms, showers, locker rooms, domestic violence centers, athletic competitions, etc.

He's taken similar actions over the years to curry favor with LGBT activists, including using his State of the Union speech to demand that Congress pass sweeping legislation, the InEquality Act, imposing vast elements of the radical homosexual and transgender agenda.

Now America's first gay president has taken things a step further. Biden's Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has adopted new federal guidelines providing that an employer would be guilty of harassment for requiring someone to use a restroom consistent with his or her biological sex, or for referring to someone by a pronoun the person doesn't want used.

Not a woman

Biden's actions to impose the radical LGBT agenda on America underscores in dramatic fashion the absolute need for The NOT Campaign that NOM is sponsoring.

While the EEOC guidance does not have the full force of a law passed by Congress or a federal regulation properly adopted by an agency, it is a powerful signal to workers and employers alike that "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" claims filed with the EEOC will be approved. Hundreds of such claims can be expected as the guidance applies to all employers, public and private, with 15 or more workers. It makes no allowance for religious employers or those with religious objections.

The EEOC guidelines are expected to be challenged in court, but it is by no means certain that our side would prevail. You may recall the shocking decision of the US Supreme Court a few years back that held that employers could be sued for terminating someone claiming to be transgender.

We need your financial help to expand The NOT Campaign to make sure that policymakers and the media know that the American people reject this radical policy from the Biden administration.

Joe Biden may be America's first gay president, but that doesn't mean we need to accept his radical embrace of the LGBT lobby's extreme agenda. We will be most grateful for whatever you can do to help us push back against Biden and his radical allies in the transgender/homosexual lobby. Thank you.