Thursday, May 23, 2024

CAPT Hung Cao: The Dreaded Knock

When you live in a communist country, every day you wait for the dreaded knock at your door.


It means that the Communist Party is coming for your family, and it's the last sound my parents heard before their fathers was taken away for good.


Luckily, they were able to get out with me before the Communists came for us.


We escaped Vietnam just days before Saigon fell, and we were welcomed with open arms into the freest country on Earth.


If it wasn't for America - the land of opportunity - I probably wouldn't be alive right now.


My name is CAPT Hung Cao, and from the day I set foot in America as a little boy, I knew this country was special, and that's why I dedicated my life to serving it.


I'm a U.S. Naval Academy graduate who spent 25 years on the front lines fighting for our country in Special Operations. I've seen the war zones of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia, and trust me when I say - if we lose our freedom here, there is nowhere else to turn.


America has gone down a path I never thought we would.


Now, U.S. citizens are waiting for knocks just like my parents did years ago in Vietnam.


It's the Biden Administration sending two dozen armed agents to arrest a conservative activist in front of his family. It's the corrupt justice system raiding gun shops and seizing records from law-abiding gun owners. It's even arresting his challenger in the next election.


And while everyday citizens are under attack, criminals are roaming our streets.


I stepped up for our country before, and now that we need a new era of leadership, I'm not about to leave America behind. That's why I'm running for U.S. Senate in Virginia.