Thursday, May 23, 2024

Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: SPEAKER HIGHLIGHT: Chen Guangcheng

Chen Guangcheng to Speak at 
Tiananmen Square Massacre Vigil

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation will host a candlelight vigil and ceremony of remembrance on Monday, June 3rd at 8:00 pm, 
commemorating the 35th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre. Please join us at the Victims of Communism Memorial as we we honor the memory and legacy of the brave individuals who lost their lives advocating for freedom in China.

This year we are honored to welcome Chen Guangcheng to speak during the vigil. For more than 25 years, Chen Guangcheng has exposed the reality of human rights in China. Born in China during the country's violent Cultural Revolution, Chen went blind before his first birthday which made him a member of one of China's most discriminated-against groups: the disabled. He taught himself law and started advocating for equitable treatment of China's disabled population. Chen's activism expanded to land rights, corruption, and China's one-child policy, leading to a four year prison sentence in 2006. In a bold move in 2012, Chen made a daring escape to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing where he sought asylum. Amnesty International deemed him a prisoner of conscience and he was recognized as one of TIME's 100 most influential people in the world.

Other speakers include:

Tsultrim Gyatso, Chinese Liaison Officer, Office of Tibet

Frances Hui, Policy and Advocacy Coordinator, The Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation

Elfidar Iltebir, President, Uyghur American Association

Anna Kwok, Executive Director, Hong Kong Democracy Council

Eric Patterson, Ph.D., President and CEO, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation

Piero Tozzi, Staff Director, Congressional Executive Committee on China

Spencer Wolf, Stand with Hong Kong

David Yu, Executive Director, June 4th Massacre Memorial Association