Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Amanda Chase: Which Republican Candidate are YOU supporting for U.S. Senate?

Chuck Smith, Republican for U.S. Senate

Remember when I stood in the streets of Richmond for a pro-2A gun rally and BLM and Antifa showed up as well?

Chuck Smith was right there with me.

Standing up for our Second Amendment rights.

Standing up for keeping our historical monuments.


I've served in the political trenches since 2008 and I've never heard of or seen any of these folks running for U.S. Senate until they announced they were running for U.S. Senate. I'm sure they are good people, but where have they been and where were they during Covid when the unconstitutional mandates to force us to mask up, take the experimental vaccine and the fight to hold people accountable for stealing the 2020 presidential election?

No doubt these other candidates are good people who have a list of accomplishments, but where were they?

Remember, I was the legislator that led on the fight against these unconstitutional mandates and introduced legislation to go back to paper ballots and hand counts and was censured for exercising my First Amendment right to state the obvious- the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Remember when even Republicans like former VP Mike Pence betrayed the American people and certified the electors without resolving the concerns of We the People?

We need to elect America First, We the People First candidates who will fight for the people who elected them and stop giving in to the political uni-party.

Having worked for three U.S. Congressmen, I truly understand the pressure first hand. The Swamp attempts to crush any representative who dares to challenge the status quo, which is exactly why I'm very leery of well intended first time candidates who have never served in the political trenches until they decided to run for public office statewide. Most give in unfortunately. That's why we need someone who is tested and yet remains true.

The U.S. Senate Republican Primary is just around the corner and it's important that you educate yourself and know the difference between all of the candidates who have successfully collected their signatures and will appear on the ballot this coming June. Here's what you should know.

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Republicans will vote for and elect the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate. This seat is currently held by Democrat Senator Tim Kaine.

Many of you have asked who I am supporting for U.S. Senate.

After carefully listening to all of the candidates and doing my research, I'm supporting Chuck Smith.

In fact, 2 weeks ago, I decided to accept a request to join his team as Senior Advisor for the remaining weeks of the race. Why? Because I want to make sure he wins.

Why? Because I believe in Chuck. He has the grit and tenacity to challenge the status quo, not become part of it. He's a marine who I've seen first hand not give up when his back was against the wall.

You see, I've known Chuck Smith for over a 15 years. He had the guts to challenge Congressman Bobby Scott in the old 3rd Congressional District. It was a district that leaned heavily Democrat, but Chuck still answered the call. These Democrats need to be challenged and not given a pass just because they live in a district that leans Democrat.

When I was standing against unconstitutional Covid mandates, the big 2021 gun grab, the socialistic monument grab, the 2020 stealing of a presidential election and standing with J6ers who are being held as political enemies, there was only one of these candidates who stood with me in the fight.

That person was Chuck Smith.

Chuck Smith was one of the only politicians in the trenches and in the streets of Richmond standing with me to defend your Constitutional rights

Chuck is not a newcomer to Virginia politics. He served as the GOP Chair for the Virginia Beach Republican Party and successfully led Republicans to victory in all local, state and federal levels. Sorry, but where have these newcomers been? Have they been in the trenches with you and I for the past 4 years?

When President Trump ran for President the first time, many Republicans tried to keep some of President Trump's supporters from voting in the Republican Primary. Chuck successfully represented these supporters and won. Thanks to Chuck these Virginians were allowed to vote.

I truly believe all 5 candidates are good people and I'll support whoever the Republican nominee is, but I hope you will join me in casting a vote for Chuck Smith on Tuesday, June 18.

While I hope if elected the others would stand strong, I KNOW if elected Chuck will stand strong and not become apart of the DC Swamp.

Please donate Chuck's campaign by clicking the link below.

Chuck has a history of supporting President Trump, even from the very beginning. We can count him to support President Trump once elected so that we can truly make America Great Again!