Tuesday, May 21, 2024

America's Frontline Doctors: Bird Flu Fearmongering

We knew it was coming: The FDA and WHO are once again sounding alarms, this time over a potential low-probability bird flu pandemic, deliberately stirring public fears to manipulate and control global health policies.


Despite the FDA's assertions of readiness with tests, antivirals, and vaccines, the timing of these announcements—just before the WHO's pandemic treaty vote and the U.S. fall elections—raises significant concerns about fearmongering and its use in driving political and medical agendas.


This narrative isn't new to us. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we witnessed a similar pattern: escalating fear led to broad governmental controls, rushed "solutions," and the push for extended mail-in voting. 


Now, as then, AFLDS stands as the leading voice of truth, reason, and calm against the backdrop of the Medical Industrial Complex's alarmist tactics.


The same protocols we championed, that were used successfully against COVID-19, have shown promise against a variety of single-stranded RNA viruses, including the bird flu. This approach, which utilizes zinc and zinc ionophores like hydroxychloroquine and quercetin, supports immune function and inhibits viral replication effectively.


I'll repeat what I proclaimed at the original White Coat Summit, "we were not held down by a virus as much as we were held down by the spiderweb of fear. It drained the lifeblood of the American people, American society, and the American economy." 


We will be fooled no longer—the tiny emperor has no clothes. It's time to demystify the fear and misinformation perpetuated by health authorities and vested interests. 


Today, these words resonate more than ever as we face new health scares manipulated by familiar tactics. We recognize the pattern: a crisis, followed by fear, then hasty solutions that benefit few at the expense of many.


Moreover, the bird flu scare has been tied to contentious gain-of-function research, funded by entities such as the NIH and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has previously led to more virulent strains of viruses. 


Such research, along with the timing of these pandemic alerts, underscores a disturbing trend of using health crises as leverage for political and financial gain.


As the WHO moves to cement its control through a pandemic treaty, AFLDS stands at the vanguard, not only advocating for transparency but actively working to stop this overreach. 


Our commitment extends beyond merely informing the public—we are dedicated to offering actionable insights and effective strategies that empower individuals and counteract the baseless fear propagated by mainstream narratives.


We remain steadfast in our mission to ensure health freedom and promote effective treatments that truly benefit the people.