Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Gary Bauer: End Of Day - 5-20-24

Rubio Gets It Right

In an interview yesterday, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) took a very strong stand against illegal immigration. You may recall that several years ago, he was part of the "Gang of Eight" senators who attempted to negotiate a massive amnesty bill.

"Meet The Press" host Kristen Welker framed the issue by asking Rubio if he really supported President Trump's plan to "deport more than 11 million undocumented immigrants, and it would be the largest deportation plan in American history." Rubio answered:

"Eleven million -- that was the number ten years ago. We're talking upwards of 25 to 30 million. The answer to your question is yes. We cannot absorb 25, 30 million people who entered this country illegally. What country on earth would tolerate that? We don't even know who most of these people are."

Good for him! Sen. Rubio is a smart man and capable of learning better than most politicians.

Previously, what formed his worldview was the immigration experience of his family, the kind of hard-working people we want in America. But he has learned from Donald Trump that the good of the "melting pot" has been corrupted by the left into the great danger of uncontrolled open borders.

Rubio is absolutely right. We can't have millions of people in our country we don't know anything about. That's insane! And no other country would tolerate it.