Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Middle Resolution: Safe Elections, Vetoes and Party Politics

One of the top issues heading into November is "are our elections safe"?  A tough question in this political environment, for sure. But one that we need to take seriously.

The best answer: Get involved. Become an Officer of Elections. Be a poll watcher. Go to your local electoral board meetings and learn how elections are run in your locality. Start an election integrity task force in your county or city.  

Our partner, the Virginia Fair Elections Coalition, is continuing training this year on every aspect of elections every Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  

Every week, you'll have the opportunity to educate yourself on the many facets of elections.  The more you know, the more likely you are to engage and recruit your friends and neighbors to help in this all important election in November!  So, sign up and get going! 

Tuesday 5/21

7pm| Election Officer / Poll Watcher Training Part A | Registration Link

Thursday 05/23
7pm | Starting a Local Task Force/Election Integrity Committee | Registration Link

And speaking of elections,  we are grateful that Governor Youngkin vetoed three remaining election bills (SB196, SB300, HB904) that were still in the queue long after the General Assembly session ended.  They were sent back to the House and Senate with amendments where they were voted down.  Once back on the Governor's desk,  he vetoed them.  In all, Governor Youngkin vetoed every egregious election bill that the Democrats put forward that would have jeopardized our elections and made them less secure.

Please let Governor Youngkin know you appreciate him standing up for the integrity of our elections with a quick call to 804.786.2211 or email to glenn.youngkin@governor.virginia.gov

We were especially pleased that the Governor turned down re-entry into the Electronic Registration Information Center.  Going back into the ERIC program would have continued to thwart the data privacy of Virginians.  And he pushed back on the Ranked Choice Voting scheme that many Democrats and sadly, some Republicans have backed.  

In fact, Governor Youngkin was on the right track as Montana, Tennessee, Idaho, Florida, South Dakota have now BANNED Ranked Choice Voting in their states.  And Louisiana is set to ban it as well.  

Earlier this year, we, at Middle Resolution, argued against Ranked Choice Voting for any elected office.  It is illogical and creates distrust in our system when a voter chooses his preferred candidate only to find that his ballot could be discarded when there are multiple rounds of voting.  

On that note, little did we know that RCV would be a litmus test in this year's Republican party races but it sure has.  We have endorsed Patti Lyman for the position of Virginia's Republican National Committeewoman and Morton Blackwell for RNC Committeeman.  These two outstanding conservatives will serve Virginia well at the RNC as they have done for the last 4 years.  If you're a delegate,  you know that the Republican Party of Virginia Convention in Hampton is just a couple of weeks away-be sure to turn out and vote!  

In closing, we are grateful for the support of so many Virginians who understand the importance of the issues that we support.  We have long stood for fiscal responsibility, individual freedoms and personal responsibility in a civil society.  While our freedoms are under assault every day, we do not waver on our core principles.

In order to continue to remain faithful to our mission, we encourage you to make it a priority to financially support our organization.  Your donations are used to advance conservative candidates and policies.  And we can't do it without you.