Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Gary Bauer: End Of Day - 5-21-24

The Left's Lawfare

Trump's trials in Manhattan and Washington, D.C., are raw, disgusting examples of "lawfare." They are blatant abuses of the law by the neo-Marxist left to destroy conservatism, make conservatism illegal, and instill fear in conservative elected officials.

For obvious reasons, virtually every defendant associated with the Trump administration charged in Washington, D.C., has requested a change of venue. They are almost always denied.

Defendants request changes of venue because they have good reason to believe they won't get a fair hearing. It's obvious that Trump or anyone associated with him will not get a fair trial in Washington or Manhattan.

By the way, the Harvard Harris poll found that 60% of Americans believe Trump's trials should have been moved out of left-wing areas like Atlanta and Manhattan in order to avoid bias.

Here's another example of the left's lawfare.

Leo Bozell, the son of Media Research Center's Brent Bozell, was just sentenced to 4 years in prison. The Bozell family is an iconic conservative family. Leo's grandfather was a speechwriter for Barry Goldwater and married the sister of William F. Buckley, Jr.

The New York Times had a field day with his conviction, branding him a "Conservative Family Scion." Leo, however, has nothing to do with politics. He's a construction worker who lives in a small Pennsylvania town.

But he voted for Donald Trump, felt the election was stolen, and that's why he came to protest in Washington, D.C., on January 6th.

For those who say, "Well, they entered a government building illegally," the same is true for hundreds of anti-Kavanaugh demonstrators. His confirmation hearings were also official government proceedings to fill one of nine seats on the Supreme Court.

The radical leftists who descended on Capitol Hill to prevent Kavanaugh's confirmation violated every rule of a constitutional republic. They intimidated people. They assaulted Christian women who were here to pray for Kavanaugh.

They stormed the Capitol, attempted to break into the Supreme Court, harassed senators, and disrupted the confirmation hearings.

No one was charged under RICO conspiracy statutes. No one was charged with obstructing official proceedings, as the January 6th protesters were.